Saturday, May 04, 2013

come what MAY

it is the month of may and there is only one word hanging on all malaysians' mouths regardless of sex, age and colour.
the word is none other than ELECTION.
the most anticipated day of the month will come this sunday and i am ready to get my finger soiled by the indelible ink. i will be proud to show my finger too ;)

and i am ready to get back some peace too. i can't stand all those flags, buntings, banners, smses, advertisements, etc....whether they are in printed, cyber or audio forms. urggh!! they are really irritating. what a waste of resources.  well, no prize for guessing which party has won this media war.

let me show you some examples of the different forms of adverts that have been bombarding the citizens. every vote matters i guess and by hook or by crook, whatever way there is, why not use them.

print ads in the newspaper.......everyday and more than 1 page.

do all the ads follow the advertising acts?? hmm.....personally, i feel that they have gone over the line in condemning the opposition party. promote whatever you want to promote but leave out all the bad mouthing.
can pepsi challenge coke in their advert or maybe breeze and fab have a showdown??

next- smses sent to the phone every other day....all from the same party of course. i guess my vote is really important huh.

banners and flags....everywhere in every nook and cranny of the town....and my residential is not spared as well.
blue banners circling the fence of the playground opposite my house.

flags blocking the junctions and sides of the roads.
of course there are more creative ones but i was not ready with my camera when i passed them. saw one in bidor in the shape of a fighter jet made using all green flags.

next- letters and pamplets sent to the house. my grandfather got it from mca, my brother and i got them from both the government and opposition, mom also got hers.

cyber ads:
have to see similar ads everytime before i log in to my mailbox.
so don't you think i've had enough of all these ads?? i need a break.....well...just one more day.

frankly, i still have not decided on the candidate that will get my X....but i am pretty sure about who i will not be voting.....still it does not make my choice any easier. so please don't ask who i will be voting ok? even those 14-year-old are curious....and if you give them the ballot paper, i am sure they will be so excited to vote as well.

ok...i am sick of election let's shop ;)

something came in the mail.....

from the usa......

a ring in pink rose......

and new phone case....kakaka....but i have yet to use it. i wonder if the arms and legs of the teddy will be slightly annoying to hold and put in bag. well, i have yet to find out. i remember posting about this moschino's case when they released it for iphone 4 and how i told myself, i would get one when i get my iphone. wish has come true albeit in a different colour. but i do think that this red case with black bow will suit my black iphone more.

and on 1 may, labour's day, i also made a trip to kl to get some cosmetic and facial stuff from shiseido since they have special sets for mother's day.

got these 3 sets......for sis, aunt and mom.

other than those in the shopping list, i also got myself a skirt.

i enjoyed myself that day.....filling myself with good food. muahahaa.....
my latte....when i arrived at 12 noon.

my super late lunch at 4pm......half a lobster!!!! woohoooo!!!!

and another latte sent to my table courtesy of karen. burp!!! i had no plan to have dinner at all although i had received an invitation to attend a baby full moon party.

but the no dinner plan was not carried out. one of the kids texted me while i was in the mall saying he would buy me dinner because it was his birthday. how sweet. well, i told him not to buy for me and in the end, he bought 3 boxes of large nuggets from kfc while i bought a cheese cake for him

it was feast time and i was happy to see so many happy faces while they were enjoying their little celebration.

spot the birthday boy and birthday girl.

and last pic for this post......sad....sad....sad
the tote bag which hold my notebook toppled and fell onto the road when i opened the door of the car....and this was the damage done to the notebook. a slight dent on the corner that was bumped on the tar.....and thank god, it was wearing its case at that time.

that is all for this week.. my eyes can't take it anymore. time for a good rest to be rejuvenated this weekend. many friends will be back and it is like a big carnival is coming and everyone is in festive spirits.  let's pray for a fair election and a peaceful end to this 5-year campaign period.

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