Sunday, March 02, 2008


yes...i have thought of a name for the puppy and have asked for jet's consent to name him that.
from this moment on, he will be called beanie.

why this name you may ask. well, it was in the shower when the name popped up. when i thought of the puppy outside sleeping at that time, i thought of all the beanie babies i used to buy...lots of them. i remember i love them so much and i thought, hey, why not name the puppy BEANIE? yes, i have fallen in love with the puppy (i do have a heart ok).

it is not a bad name right? i think the puppy look beanie. it is small enough and so adorable to fit the name beanie. so it will be beanie beanie beanie.

gosh, i so don't want to go back to bidor now. miss him already. hahahaha. you guys are welcome to drop jet's friends who have been coming one after another after seeing beanie's photo in his handphone. heck, they even get off the bus instead of the bus station just to see the puppy and one has already brought him toys! he is such a cutie.


linsiew said...

eh you didn't consult with us lar. beanie doesn't sounds good. u have to look into the future.u don't expect him to stay a puppy forever. so have to put a name that suits when he grows. so no beanie XXX

choose another one.

rockysamsung said...

Beanie, haha
I think you should listen to your sis, Beanie sounds,

Elaine said...

beanie sounds good lar. very special.
the name isnt very common. better than "lucky" or whatever.

Twei said...

aiyah, just a name... so long as the pup is good and obedient, any name should be fine for me..

escape2 said...

hmm..luckily yeelin has taste....yaloh..the name is so uncommon mah. why you want to name those common names? he will always remain small lah...err..that is if he is a beagle lah. hahahaha...

Twei said...

eh, forget about the name.. how come no more pics of the pup ah?

linsiew said...

oh i wathced the vidoe that kuku recorded of beanie. he's just so cute. like to crawl behind the flower pot to sleep. beware of lice