Wednesday, January 16, 2008

batik. bah!

pity the poor civil servants of the country. now they have received directive to wear 'malaysian batik' specifically every thursday. it used to be twice a month but the gov thought the two dates were too difficult to remember, hence every thursday now.

so on a thursday, if you see anyone out there in the not-so uniformed but still i think is uniform batik, you are sure that he or she is a civil servant.

why oh why? do you reading this like batik?? frankly speaking, i am not a great advocate for batik. i mean, i want to be an individual. i dun want to be someone wearing something so spot-on. and does wearing batik make one more patriotic? what is it with the government thinking that 'appearance' is everything? bah!

plus our batik is not that cheap mind you. is the government going to subsidise the civil servants? who wants to wear the same piece of clothing every thursday? not creative.

the batik stall owners must be smiling and will be smiling all the way to the bank soon. i still think some of the designs on the cloths are revolting. it is like draping a piece of cloth splashed with colours on. and if you are rich enuf to buy the very good material, you will remain crinkle free the whole day. for those who cannot afford it, it crinkles as soon as you put it on.

no say in deciding what to wear to work. they are dictated and the wardrobe is chosen. poor or poor civil servants.

1 comment:

rockysamsung said...

Batik every Thursday!
Spot on!