Saturday, May 19, 2012

dear escape,

you have been in such a rut this week that you better snap out of it before it makes it worse.

ok, i know it all started on teacher's day but come on. it was just a small matter first thing in the morning that triggered that unhappiness. you have suspended the two boys and their posts over their absence. hopefully they have learnt their lesson....well, at least you know one has because he had apologised.

you taught the kids about appreciating what you have in one of the stories learnt this week, and you better apply it on yourself. look around you. you do not lack anything in your life. there are people around you who welcome you everywhere you go. so what if kids nowadays are distracted to prioritise in their lessons in school. at the end of the day, they are somebody's kids and you know you have done your best to impart whatever you have to them. don't get flustered or frustrated by them. i know you do not leave any stone unturned in the class and you do not give them anything less than what is expected.

you might have reached that rut in your life now as things are becoming boring for you at work. i heard a senior teacher saying that...this is teaching, it is a routine, you have to keep on repeating and repeating and the cycle never stops. you have such a strong drive in you that maybe the workplace is not really the real outlet to release it. you want to be appraised for the amount of work you do, however, all you see is a flat road ahead where everyone goes the same way and get the same promotion in the name of time. yeah, time will get you your promotion, not the effort that you put in. so why put in so much? just give only what you are supposed to give and then laze around.

or you can quit and start anew somewhere else. do you have the gut to do it?? leave the job comfort you have now and go somewhere new. what other job can you do? further studies? do you have enough money for that? you seem to be able to expand your wings better when you are being yourself in a place nobody judges you. so want to try going abroad?

just try to bear with the last week at work before the 2-week break starts next week. maybe the voluntary work will do you good. use that holiday to reconnect with your friends too. you seem so much like a loner nowadays with no social life. very pathetic but whose doing is it?

just slow down to smell the roses around you and maybe do some decluttering. it is good for the soul. i can feel so much negativity in you which is making your life so miserable. where is that sunny personality? go find the sun and shine.

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