Sunday, May 06, 2007

carjack 2

the feature today in the star about kereta potong and people who had experienced carjack struck a chord in me. my aunt is not alone in her experience. there are many out there with similar experiences who had encountered worse and more traumatised.
why is this problem so rampant nowadays?? what is happening to the society? is this shortcut to fast money? where is the virtue and moral? life is no longer that simple and plain i guess. people have more wishes, ambitions, etc to fulfil. and they have become greedier. it is not as simple as the good old days where having 3 meals on the table and a roof over the head are enough. the desire for material wealth is far greater now no doubt. everywhere you look, posters, advertisements, etc tantalise the human desires to obtain more!
it is not wrong to have ambitions, (yeah, one can dream of owning that scarlett ferrari) but do not stir the evil side in you to harm and hurt others. it is your personal agenda and it should remain so.
having material wealth feels great, i admit, but getting them through immoral ways is not.

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