Sunday, January 13, 2008

let's play charade

more funny stuff about atticus. i have to share this before i forget. anyway, i wasn't a witness of this incident. it only 2 involved were grandma (ah ma) and atticus. then granma retold the whole thing to mom first and then like wildfire, the rest of the family soon knew about it.

ok..our ah ma cannot understand english right? and all atticus knows is english. so guess how he approached ah ma to get a pair of gloves so he could go and play with the tortoises?

he approached ah ma in the kitchen.

Attie: Ah ma, i want a pair of gloves!

Ahma: sem mou? (what?)

Attie: (put both his hands in front of him upright, then the left hand put an imaginary glove onto the right one, and then change to the right one put a glove on the left one. and he repeated the action)

Ahma: (went to look for a pair of gloves. showed it to attie.)

Attie: (nodded his head vigurously. took the glove) sie sie (thank you).

the coloured words were their only conversation. their facial expressions would have been out of this world right??? see, he had his real 'conversation' with his granny.
i wish i was there to video the whole thing. that would be the best of all attie's videos here.

anyway, i have made a deal with attie. since he got so many hello kitty stuff for me, i promised to get him doraemon's. he is a big fan. if anyone sees any doraemon's stuff, please do tell me where you see it. he already has doraemon's bolster and pencil case. thanks in advance.

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