Sunday, September 28, 2008

i had a mi weekend

i have come back from my 'mi' weekend and i am as tired as ever. i only had about 2 hours of sleep this morning and the night before was only slightly better.

you would wonder why i want to put myself to this kind of torture just to see an entertainer? i can't answer you this question either. just call me a fanatic. i am and i know.

this is the only video i get. not the type who will record things. photos i have...but all still in the camera. very tired ah to do all the sortings. wait till i get my rest lah. thank god for this one week raya break. waahahahahahahaha....


rockysamsung said...

Pure fanaticism XD

Anonymous said...

i wan!!!i wan go to sammi's concert!!!u make me so jealous to u lar........i'll go sammi's concert one day....hope tis day will not far from now.....hehe