yes, this is escapism in the new age. make a clean breast of whatever you want and let the water continue to flow under the bridge. a portal where the other hidden self can be released and explore as freely as it wants to. SO PLEASE NO NAME CALLING HERE...I AM ANONYMOUS OR JUST KNOWN AS ESCAPE!!! repeat after me...THIS IS A SPACE TO ESCAPE FOR ESCAPE.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
hk day 3

shopping in hk
although things are not that cheap anymore, you can still find some outlets having sales. we found one sports store having sales the whole store, seibu was having selected sales on certain items, bonjour (a store like sasa) has cheap cosmetic items. clothing items are actually quite expensive but of course they have more diverse and vast selection. we went into BAPE store in central, basically all the hip-hop outfits and colourful sneakers in the store. but the impressive thing in the store is the transparent floorboard at the shoes section and one can see conveyor belt below carrying an array of sneakers.
my stuff from hk, a calf leather bag, 2 tee-shirts, 2 keychains, masks, hooded jacket, milk candies for aunt.
hk light symphony
this is a little bit of what i recorded. spot the show and also the empty patch where lights were non-flickering.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
hk day 2
so what time did i wake up huh?? i have forgotten...but it was early...8 plus i think. again, we took the tram out to central. i was getting used to the idea of travelling on the tram around the island.
first stop, cantonese: chung wan. it was a chillier day and cloudy. i was wearing a short babydoll sort denim dress (i love the dress which i got from isetan during the sale in march) with my patrick cox black ankle boots (got them donkey years ago in selfridges, london). so the bare legs felt chilly. then we decided to 'visit' the toilet in mandarin oriental hotel which is just right next to central mtr station so i can put on a pair of leggings which i had chucked into my bag before leaving the hotel just in case i felt cold. hehe....finally got to wear my pair of leggings which i bought last year with jia en in kl. the toilet in mandarin oriental isn't as posh as the one in peninsula but they do have someone to hand paper towel to you.

aspirational shopper
i think this term refers to those who aspire get into the luxury bandwagon and own one or two pieces of those coveted items.
so can i put myself into that category?? what do i want??? bags....more bags....
drooling for them but i know i cannot afford them. first up: one of those balenciaga bags (covered giant bag to be specific) and who does not want an hermes birkin???
i wanna strike lottery! i have the heart to splurge? unless that is a big big amount. let me dream....
relax, be healthy
and today we have to wait in anticipation for an officer from the state department. she is coming to check files and stuff. i think i have completed all my things...i just want today to finish fast.
and oh, is anyone having flu? so many ppl are having flu because of the hot and dry weather. swine flu, keep our fingers crossed that malaysia is not affected. am searching through my head if i come in contact with any mexicans while i was in hk. haha...but they have thermal scan in hkia, so they are one step ahead. well, we know the scanners are there because of bird flu scare.
drink more water to keep you hydrated in this harsh weather.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
hk day 1

she has a dream...hope it comes true
i have just listened to susan boyle singing i dreamed a dream. if you still dunno who she is, which planet are you living in? she is sensationalised in all the media now and everyone is watching out for her in britain's got talent. and oh boyle, what a voice you have. amazing. i am sure everyone in the auditorium had goosebumps the moment she sang the first line. three standing ovations from the crowd. the judges too except simon. well, you know simon, he is as simon as you can get. going to click on her singing cry me a river now.
it just shows you not to judge a book by its cover. this is the biggest lesson learn by everyone in the show and no doubt outside.
hello hk
the new passenger terminal in lcct. everything is sparkling and yes, thank you for all the extra seats. we bought our drinks before boarding the flight. of course cheaper than buying in the aircraft. they dun check for liquid already once you are here. yee is holding the piece of margerined butterscotch gardenia bread we packed from home. our breakfast. love the smell of butterscotch. and we finished the whole loaf on the flight. that time it was almost flat.
the flight from kl was on time....7.35 a.m. so you can imagine how early we had to get up. dad sent us there. i was sleepy but i still couldn't get my sleep on the flight. a nap yes, but not sleep. reach hkia before 12noon. hk near the airport.
if you are planning to take the public transport to the city, be it kowloon or hk island, use the bus. they have the aero train, hotel shuttle and the public buses. hotel shuttle to our destination was hk$140. i walked out of the terminal building and asked for the public bus, the price was $48. my hotel was the 4th stop from the airport. around 15-20 mins. island pacific hotel on hk island, sheung wan to be specific. it is one stop north of central stop via mtr.