Sunday, May 31, 2009

flea morning

how do you start a sunday morning?
well, today i started mine by catching dog fleas on beanie's body. worth recording this because it is my first time catching flea for him.
the fleas were just voracious. mom and i caught more than ten. we took turns holding him while touching and stroking him for a bump on the skin which signified the presence of fleas. and fleas i have noticed, stick together in 2 or 3. eewww. we even found a very big one...the biggest of all, twice the size of a normal flea...i called it the 'mothership'.
mom gave him a bath later in the afternoon, and she caught more. however, the most troubling thing with the flea is those that managed to get into his left ear. poor thing....those fleas bit his inner ear that you can see traces of dried blood inside. and of course beanie refused to be touched there.
let's hope the bath has reduced his itchiness and the flea from finding a home on his body. mom suspects he gets the fleas from playing with a small dog he met in one of his walks. so no more doggy touch for him.


linsiew said...

don't you have flea shampoo or something to that effect to get rid of the fleas?

escape2 said...

update: today i found about 6 fleas on his body...but half of them were dead ones. so i guess the bath yesterday sort of killed them. i think their shampoo has that formula that will kill fleas.
mom plans to bathe him again tomorrow. but at the moment nothing can be done with the situation of his ear. he still won't let anyone touch his ear. he will bite

kevtcs182 said...

i think there's no other way coz dog's ears are very sensitive. cannot use liquid. the fleas in the ears must be get rid off anyway or it'll breed inside. it must be taken out one by one. normally i'll ask my mum to hold its head and use a so-called long clip to clip it out. neh...the clip we use for...mmm...dunno how to describe's long with a sharp end one lo. the dog will soon feel comfortable and won't bite.

o ya...and i once wear a medicated necklace on it. introduced by a vet. it's indeed effective. all cleared but only last 6 months la.

escape2 said...

aiyer....beanie will bark like mad and will want to bite. how to hold his head???
mom told me his body no more flea.

medicated necklace? cool. what dog u have?

kevtcs182 said...

i call it "midi pinscher". slightly bigger than the mini. bout x2. hehe...