Tuesday, June 19, 2007

today in history + yesterday's

Today is the first day of the seventh year in this job. Wow, it has been this long.
Yesterday was the day I reported for duty in 2001. no wonder that date was like so familiar but I did not realize it until at night when my housemate reminded me the significance of the date.
6 full years is quite long isn’t it, to stick at a job.
I think I am doing not a bad job. Have realized the potentials that I have (crazy multi-tasking) but also the restrictions in the job. Well, you cannot have it all.
The colleagues are nice and the environment is not threatening at all. The boss is someone you like to hate, but luckily there are those assistants ‘managers’ whom you can get along well with and that make it up.
Then there are those holidays that people are envious of all the time. But hey, my salary is meagre compared to yours.
It is all in a day’s work. And I hope I can hold my head high while I am still at it and give the best service I can.
Happy anniversary and happy working!


Anonymous said...

I was in your class in 2001, your first batch of students in CHS...


We are getting older...

escape2 said...

dun sigh lah...
as we get older than means we have lived another year and have experienced more. so it makes our lives richer. so should celebrate!!!
yeah, chs, who can forget those challenging times...hehehe...but i survived! a good start ;)

-ernny- said...

Yay to you! Happy anniversary and hey you're not doing too bad in the earnings dept yourself ! :)

escape2 said...

i am saving again...earning deposit all empty now. all the notes fly out already of the pocket. these few months will be accumulation process for whatever that might come. so no shopping carnival for me.