Thursday, August 02, 2007

birthday fairy

the birthday fairy is still hovering nearby. i am still receiving belated birthday present and one which has just arrived is this yoga mat. in colour. and someone is going to say...NIKE again?!!!! hehehehe.

i promise i will make good use of it. wanna do sit-ups lah (damn how to get megan fox's abs?), whatever yoga poses i know lah, stretching exercises lah, etc. it is something convenient to have on a rainy day. hehe...i hope i won't turn it into a comfort mat. well, discipline is the key here.
another almost birthday fairy here asked me if i want ther book 'secret' by rhonda brynes. i have heard a lot about the book yes,but no, i dun think it is a book i want to keep. it is one of those self-help books out there teaching you how to achieve the things you want in life. if it is so easy to perform miracles and achieve dreams, then everyone can stop working and just own a copy of the book, right? i think everyone knows the 'proper and right' ways to go on the path to success, it only takes strong will and discipline and people who support you. a book can only do so much. i still think that human touch is more important. am i straying here? heehe.
ok..will end this post. have to concentrate on my grey's anatomy. such intriguing plot.

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