Sunday, August 03, 2008

beh tahan ah

some of the things i can't stand after reading today's papers.

1. more civil service posts for non-malays
what? why isn't the appointment of civil servants based on meritocracy? why do we need those 'special' posts created for non-malays? as if we need this 'special service' ah??

2. the edu minister on teaching of science and maths in eng: whether or not we are going to change it is not up to me. it depends on the experts who advise me. the end he just does not have to own up to the decision made and blame everything on the so-called experts

3. political parties will stunt growth of students. students have to adhere to party's policy and would not be allowed to offer their own independent opinions on issues raised....waste of talent and not beneficial to students
so now we finally know what political parties are for. you join just so to be a follower and dun give any opinion at all.

4. if A was brave enough, he should contest in other area and not in PP which is a PKR stronghold.
aiyo...he wants to contest of course he wants to win lah. a child will know this.

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