Thursday, June 11, 2009


i finally know that it is not flea that attacked beanie...u know that fat grey bug-like creature that i killed few days ago?
a fellow blogger dropped by and gave me this link:
and i finally knew that it is actually a tick. yeah, tick tick tick.
been searching his body again for flea and tick, and thank god, no more. i tried to clean his left ear using buds but he refused. well, if those tick really do burst and kill themselves after they are full, let's hope that they do die and not leave eggs inside. aiyoh...i dare not imagine the consequences if there are eggs.

on another note...i finally found out the price of a trinity ring from cartier. i went into the boutique right and took the opp to try one lah. the price is around rm3000+/- depending the thickness of the band. i guess that one time trying might be the only time i can feel the trinity on my finger lah.


kevtcs182 said...

hahaha...i'm imagining the tick bloated itself and burst by sucking blood. then those badly infected dogs will be in red color and you can hear popping sound from the dogs' body. is there sucha creature killing itself while consuming food?

kevtcs182 said...

walao...just finish reading the lazy-lizard's. it's very informative though. very detailed bout the ticks. now only i realized they're disgusting. only with the closer look. ewww....!

rockysamsung said...

Just buy some anti tick/flea shampoo, and try burning the ticks.