Thursday, July 15, 2010

fear....then relief

5 cent 5 cent 5 cent 5 cent 5 cent 5 cent

that is how much they are going to raise the price of petrol per litre tomorrow. so i will need to pay rm1.85/l for ron95. no more subsidy for ron97.
price of sugar will be increased as well by 25 cent per kilo to rm1.75/kg. well, i still think that is cheap for sugar...something which you do not really need in your diet.

a colleague called me earlier to ask me if i knew about this and told me to go and fill up my petrol tank. well, i refused to go and join the queue. i would only be able to save a little bit once, why bother with the hassle. i can still afford that extra 5 cent per litre lah.

and another reason i did not want to get out of the house was because i had only discovered from one big anxiety that almost made me cry!!!! i could really feel all colours draining from my face for those 2 hours.

it began when i was searching for those photos i used two weeks to capture at work. photos of all uniform units, clubs and societies and sports teams. i failed to detect them on the hard disc. i know i had grouped them all in one folder and had divided them into their units including morning and afternoon session. i searched and searched and reconnected the hard disc again and again.....yet i could not find the folder!! then i looked at my desktop, also could not find.

stopped looking when i had to go for dinner to celebrate my housemate's birthday. i really had no mood already then. what would i do if all the files were missing because of some virus attack?? i had black pepper chicken chop and i ordered a tiramisu cake for her from tg malim. i was eating like a zombie and i was the fastest to finish my food because my actions were just like a robot's. i could not feel the food going down my stomach too. all that i was thinking was the folder. oh folder!!!!

we spent almost two hours at the restaurant and when i got back, i reattached the hard disc to the computer again to start my search. then out of nowhere, my eyes landed on co-cu units folder on the desktop. i did not remember seeing it there earlier! i was expecting the worst (empty folder) when i clicked the folder. but luckily (a big heave of relief), it was the folder i had been locating. AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! i was soo soo soo soo relieved!

quickly i made a backup file and i could feel the colours slowly coming back to me.

gosh, i think i am really stressed from work. but there are still sooo many things to do. i guess i have to take it one step at a time and try to delegate my work now. but ah, i usually feel better if i do the stuff because i will know where everything is at. dilemma.

got to start organising some photos now before they go missing again. night.


PengPeng彬彬 said...

oooooo what a relief !! i know that feeling.... good job you 'found' them again... next time look more carefully la don't scare yourself like that.

quin_quin said...

thank god... finally u can find it... if not, u have big big problem liao...

escape2 said...

peng, i looked carefully....but still couldn't find it that time lah.
sometimes just have to forget about it for some time then only do the search again.
no more next time for this kind of loss i promise