Tuesday, April 12, 2011

[n[ew b[ow[le[r[

[[[excu[se all t[hese wei[rd [s[ymb[[ols coming up.[ i [am get[tin[g v[ery very frustrated too.....

so....what do you think of when u see the bag?? another bag[?{ haha..an[d she s[aid she was goin[g to sav[e so[[[[ome money for[ her eu[rope[ trip{???[

[[we[ll, i am getting the bag,[ bu[t it[ is a gif[t [fr[om d[ear cousin atticus from[ down under. [i got[ an[ mms t[oda[y [from him,[ and[[ coin[cidently[, i was at the compu[ter[[[, [so[ [i[ wen[t straigh[t to the webs[it[e t[o re[tr[i[eve the photo. you see, atticus is on iphone, so i won't be able to get wh[a[tever p[icture he[ send[s me.

he is getting the bag for me because he remembers i like adidas original.[[ l[urve him[!!![[

i don't[ have a [baby blu[[[e bowler bag. so yippeee!!!! he did not answer my question whether he will be coming back soon. but i heard that he might be coming back at the end o[f [the month. can someo[ne verify this in[formatio[n[???

ok....so now....what is wrong with m[y typ[ing???

my[ ty[ping is ok....it [is t[he damn keybo[ar[d on t[he not[ebook!!! t[hey [[[[[[[[[[[[key s[eem[s [to [b[e stu[ck, bu[t[ i have ripp[ed it[ out[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ an[d then disassemble the [whole thing and t[he symbol st[ill comes out. so in t[he end, i just[ put[ it[ back and t[ry[ to reduce typing[ on t[he notebook lah.. aaaa!!! i want to[ bash it!!!!

luckily[ it[did not go berserk[ when i was filling in my income [tax form [online. gosh. thank god. it knows how and w[hen to behave[.[ so the in[come ta[x form is done. phew! one worry out of my min[d.

have you done yours[??{?[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[


Kok Wai Mooi said...

The bag looks so cute but most importantly it suits ur needs . But i m afraid u might have got a bag free though but who knows u might even spend more on a new notebook !

escape2 said...

oh pn kok, you and your wicked sense of humour! haha...i am not going to buy that notebook so soon. i will SUFFER for few months now. hope the apple g4 in the store can be used

Kok Wai Mooi said...

Sorry sorry escape2 I beg to be excused ! I don't mean to be wicked. When I read ur blog I thought I saw Greek in the beginning. Then only I found out ur notebook is giving u problem . But don't u have the school's notebook as a replacement ? But If it continues to give u trouble u have to buy a new one sooner or later right ? Who knows u might get a new one come July 7 as a birthday gift! U know if u don't write I'd miss reading ur blog !

escape2 said...

i am using school's notebook. i dun have my own personal one. but surprisingly, the problem has disappeared since yesterday. so hopefully it won't return. or else i will go [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
notebook as a birthday gift?? who gives??? lol