Saturday, January 21, 2012

the year of the dragon is coming in a day's time but i am treading the path with trepidation.

it will be a welcome with mixed feelings.

we haven't put up any new year decorations but we have painted the living room and outside the house.

the house now is filled with 10 occupants- mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sis, brothers, cousin, aunt and me.

today, grandma has not been feeling fine the whole day. her tummy is bloated and she was brought to the clinic. medicine was given and she vomitted after that but she was so frail today. she only sat on her chair and dozed off nearly the whole time there. she also did not put much food into her. now she is brought to the bed to get her sleep. initially, she said she wanted to sleep on her reclining chair in the living room but we talked her into going to the bedroom.

let's just hope that her situation will make a 360 degree turn tomorrow and we will have a happy reunion dinner tomorrow.

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