Thursday, July 10, 2008

another cake

another cake trickled in yesterday ;) it was supposed to be a surprise but i knew it one day before. their peer let the cat out of the bag and their daddies and mummies knew too as they asked for extra pocket money to spend on me. so cute. i am so touched.
they are a group of rumbustious 13 year olds; 3 girls and 5 boys. you will be exhausted after spending 2 hours with them. wednesday nite is a tiring one indeed.

this is their gift...telling me to save and not to shop so much. they see me wearing my nikes and stuff, they told me not to buy them anymore and save. har har. this piggy bank reminds me of the pink pig i have adopted on this blog (see left side). there are already a few ringgits in it. they had to pay me for some books, hence the money is placed in the pig instead. we named it the 1 ringgit piggy bank. so i will only put in 1 ringgit and no coins. i will be so rich when it is full huh.

instructions on the the last pic. SHOPPING!!!

i bought them vitagen since i knew they would not have got any drinks. so everyone was happy when the session ended.

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