Thursday, August 25, 2011

death of depth

children nowadays as so used to instant gratification that to get them to do something, you always have to use the carrot method.
however, i am not one to use this method ;( why must i give them something when it is their responsibility to do the task?

because of the instant reward symptoms, they also do not put their hard and soul in doing their task. they are also in a rush and there is no such thing as stopping along the way to smell the roses. the kind of work i get compared to few years ago has deteriorated tremendously. i used to look forward to reading their written pieces as some really inspired me and left in awe at the kind of maturity and depth they displayed.

however, nowadays all i get are slapstick kinda humour essays and no depth. what happen to thought provoking story and life changing moments? is it because they are not reading enough that they cannot think in other pairs of shoes? or they just can't be bothered? in my case, i also have to compete with physics, chemistry and additional maths.

i encourage and lament about the past at the same time. but i do try to share with them some of the magical stories that i have kept with me through the years. sadly, i have not kept any these two years ;(


Kok Wai Mooi said...

I understand how u feel about today's children. Don't b demoralised or let down escape2 .As long as u have done ur best i know u had u can stay clear of ur conscience!In fact we have less outstanding students i mean those who excel in English these two years.In fact the standard of English has deteriorated over the years even though the authority say otherwise ! unless they bring back the English medium school u'll have to work extra hard!The kids nowadays just don't read cos they're too engrossed in the cyber world!

escape2 said...

english medium school will remain a thing in the past. heck, i am not a product of that era too and sometimes i too feel intimidated having to converse with those who speak the language from young and those who use the language all the time.
wait till they see the importance of the language, then only regret sets in.